Playing throught the Pain Complacency

June 23, 2004 in Uncategorized

True all-time sports greats, at some point or another, must play through the pain. But can I blog through the complacency? Blogga please…

Hmm…okay. What makes a good post? Let’s see. Need to have some sort of witty subject. Check. Okay, now I need something either really bizzare or very personal. Hm. Mom’s been in the hospital for over a week, and she’s in the ICU again. Check. Cute closing sentence? Bah. Screw it.


2 Comments to Playing throught the Pain Complacency

  1. i’ve gotta give credit where it’s due, dude. the term “blogga please” is a trademark of i stole it.

  2. em on 23 June 2004
  3. i love it too much. i have to use it! it’s so good you get points just for being the first person i’ve heard use it.

  4. Mark on 23 June 2004

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