Track of the Week – December 4th (Grey Album)

June 7, 2004 in Uncategorized

The Track of the Week is a no-brainer today. The Grey Album has been in heavy rotation ever since Lau turned me on to it last week. Absolutely gorgeous. Go and download it for yourself. It’s not that hard to find really. Just Google “Grey Album” and you’ll find the whole thing. Seriously.

Every track is terribly interesting, but this one really spoke to me in a way that few tracks do (couldn’t really relate to the dating Beyonce tracks…). It’s easy to relate to love songs, or break-up songs, or I just got dumped songs, cause the feelings are so universal, and there are so many freakin’ many of those songs. Songs simply about life are much harder to relate to though, because the experiences are usually so very unique.

A couple articles about the album:

The New Yorker – The Mouse That Remixed
Rolling Stone – DJ Makes Jay-Z Meet Beatles

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