Maxim? Darn Near Killed Him!

November 19, 2004 in Uncategorized

Waking up with a wristband on and still feeling a little drunk qualifies me for the Delayed Blogging Program (DGP). By requirement of the DGP, I must blog a little, but I am allowed to go get brunch before giving details.

I’ll leave with a video of Jeff explaining how much fun the Maxim Party last night was.

Jeff Having Fun

3 Comments to Maxim? Darn Near Killed Him!

  1. by the way… did you get any video of that acrobatic chick!?!

  2. dancepartydawn on 19 November 2004
  3. hey, what’s the Maxim party? did it replace poker night?

  4. beth on 19 November 2004
  5. no, it came much later….

  6. dancepartydawn on 19 November 2004

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