Show Me The Money!

August 10, 2004 in Uncategorized

No, that’s not right. Help Me Help You! Yeah. That’s the ticket.

So here’s the deal people. The days of ridiculous giveaways on the internet are trying to come back. Leading the charge? (and its cousin Real simple. If you sign up, and then get five other people to sign up, you get a free iPod.

So what’s the catch? You (and the five people) have to sign up for one of their offers—the money they get from referral fees is how they make money. The offers are companies like AOL, BMG, or Columbia House. The good news is that if you can sign up for an offer like RealRhapsody (its like iTunes), wait a couple days, cancel before your 14 day trial ends and owe nothing, but still qualify for the deal.

Simple, right? Right. So go out and get an iPod. and get me one too…

2 Comments to Show Me The Money!

  1. Ya, but RealRhapsody isn’t compatable with MAC.

  2. dancepartydawn on 10 August 2004
  3. true, true, apple fiend. but it’s great for people (like me), who don’t actually want to spend any money on this thing.

  4. Mark on 10 August 2004

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