Bitches, If You Love FLL, Say Ho!

December 14, 2004 in Uncategorized

Aaah, Fort Lauderdale Airport. How I missed thee and thy free wireless internet. I’m back in FLL for a few days to meet the movers, donate the balance of stuff, getting the house ready to move, and selling the car. A lot to do in just 3 days? Yeah, I thought so too.

If you’re an Austinite, reserve this Saturday for the Mark Phillip going away bash. I was thinking of throwing a party, but there might not be any furniture in my place this weekend, so yeah. Details to come.

3 Comments to Bitches, If You Love FLL, Say Ho!

  1. Ah, no. I’m flying into Austin on Friday night, but I won’t be in town for that first weekend. I’ll be there in spirit, though.

  2. leslie on 14 December 2004
  3. Hey– you gots a mattress you wanna pawn off or let a friend borrow??

  4. beth on 15 December 2004
  5. l: poop. i’ll have to elbow someone else.
    b: maybe…..depends on how many shots you buy me on saturday.

  6. Mark on 16 December 2004

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